Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
MrAnuwatKumpeangkeawDepartment of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture & Development, ThailandThailandFRP for Sustainable ArchitecturePlant genetics and breedingBest Researcher Award
Assist. Prof. DrMarcoSharkawiFaculty of pharmacy-Beni Suef UniversityEgyptFRP Sensors and Smart StructuresMicroanalytical TechniquesBest Researcher Award
DrGumjaeParkKorea Electrotechnology Research Institute/Battery Research DivisionSouth KoreaFiber Reinforcement in CompositesbatteriesBest Researcher Award
DrXiangChenSouthwest Petroleum UniversityChinaOil & Gas FRP ApplicationsGeothermal and Petroleum Reservoir DevelopmentBest Researcher Award
DrSandeepBoseStanford UniversityUnited StatesNatural FibersSustainable extraction of metals from electronic waste using functionalized celluloseBest Researcher Award
DrHakgeunkimKunsan National UniversitySouth KoreaComposite Materials ScienceWind turbine, Composite material, Fatigue failure, Fatigue lifeBest Researcher Award
DrGaneshRegmiUniglobe SS/CollegeNepalComposite Materials ScienceMixed metal oxidesExcellence in Research
Assoc. Prof. DrLingSunBeijing University of TechnologyChinaNatural FibersCellulose FiberBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrJAVADFOROUGHIThe University of New South WalesAustraliaComposite Materials ScienceSmart MaterialsBest Researcher Award
ProfJanaina C OVillanovaUniversidade Federal do Espírito SantoBrazilFRP in Health & MedicineProdutos farmacêuticos baseados em bioinsumosFRP Sustainability Achievement Award
ProfSaliouNiassyAfrican UnionSenegalFRP for Cultural HeritageEdible InsectsBest Researcher Award
MrNaveedImranWuhan UniversityChinaFRP Sensors and Smart StructuresHuman Behavior/EmotionYoung Scientist Award
DrRituPainuliUttaranchal University, DehradunIndiaFRP for Water ManagementWaste water managementWomen Researcher Award
Prof. DrHeidarRaissiUniversity of birjandIranComposite Materials ScienceComputational in Physical ChemistryBest Researcher Award
MrNARESHKUMARAmity University Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan (India)- 303002IndiaDesign and Analysis of FRP ComponentsMechanical Engineering, Friction Stir Welding, ThermalBest Researcher Award
MrUvinJayalathUniversity of PeradeniyaSri LankaComposite Materials ScienceBioplasticsBest Researcher Award
MrH M ArifurRahmanUniversity Of Nebraska-LincolnUnited StatesAdvanced Fiber TechnologiesWireless Comm. in Biomedical ApplicationsBest Researcher Award
Assist. Prof. DrTangxiaopingthe second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang UniversityChinaFRP in Health & MedicineDTIBest Researcher Award
ProfXueyeChenCollege of Transportation, Ludong University, No.186, Middle Hongqi Road, Zhifu District, Yantai 264025, Shandong, ChinaChinaComposite Materials ScienceA pressure sensor made of laser-induced graphene@carbon ink in a waste sponge substrate using novel and simple fabricaing process for health monitoringBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
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