Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
Prof DrYong-GangXiaHeilongjiang University of Chinese MedicineChinaNatural FiberspolysaccharidesBest Researcher Award
Prof DrYuanfuDengSouth China University of TechnolgyChinaComposite Materials Sciencelithium ion batteriesTop Researcher Award
ProfhuijuanzhangBeijing technology and businessChinaAdvanced Fiber TechnologiesElectrospinning/Protein/Wheat glutenBest Researcher Award
Profhaiyanqianbeijing anzhen hospitalChinaFRP in Health & MedicineThe field of medical and industrial integrationBest Researcher Award
DrJianglanLongBeijing Institute of Clinical Pharmacy, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical UniversityChinaNatural FibersEndocrinology and DiabetesBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrZhongjieFeiNanjing Agricultural UniversityChinaFRP in Health & MedicineAchieving a more efficient and environmentally friendly filtration system design through the combined use of fibers and other materials.FRP Leadership Excellence Award
DrSALAH UDDINSouthern University of Science and TechnologyChinaAdvanced Fiber TechnologiesFlexible and wearable sensors, 2D based Ion sensing for electronics, Composite based fibers for gas sensing etc.Best Researcher Award
Drirfanbhatcentral south universityChinaComputational Modeling and Simulation of FRPstransport in GNRBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrCHENGHAITAOInternational Centre for Bamboo and RattanChinaNatural FibersNatural fiber reinforced thermoplastic/thermoset compositesBest Researcher Award
DrXinpengWangUniversity of Health and Rehabilitation ScienChinaBiomimetic and Bio-inspired CompositesAdvanced Manufacturing TechnologiesBest Researcher Award
DrMuhammadAzmatBeijing Institute of TechnologyChinaOil & Gas FRP ApplicationsGas SensingBest Researcher Award
DrLiangXuSuzhou University of Science and TechnologyChinaFiber Reinforcement in CompositesseismicBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrHan-JuiChangShantou UniversityChinaAdvanced Manufacturing Technologies for FRPsPolymer Injection ManufactureBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrJialinLIUSoutheast UniversityChinaApplications of FRPs in ConstructionFRP reinforced concreteBest Researcher Award
DrLipingWuWoosuk UniversityChinaComputational Modeling and Simulation of FRPsDynamics and controlBest Researcher Award
DrJunchenZhangShenzhen UniversityChinaFailure Analysis and Damage MechanicsMechanical model of tunnelBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrMiaomiaoYeZhejiang UniversityChinaComposite Materials ScienceThermal distillation seawater desalinationBest Researcher Award
MrMuhammad AhsanSaleemNanjing University of Science and TechnologyChinaManufacturing Processes for FRPsAdditive ManufacturingBest Researcher Award
MrsDanhuaJiaoGuizhou Minzu UniversityChinaComposite Materials ScienceElectrochemical/Photo Catalysis, Energy Conversion, Environmental purificationBest Researcher Award
MrYuanjieLiangChongqing Vocational Institute of Safety TechnologyChinaFiber Reinforcement in CompositesFiber reinforced electrode materialsBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
Award Winners