Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
Assoc Prof DrMohammad SalehAhmadiYazd UniversityIranFiber Reinforcement in CompositesMechanical propertiesBest Researcher Award
MrsBurcuDinç ŞengönülYıldız Technical UniversityTurkeyComputational Modeling and Simulation of FRPsCivil Engineering / Masonry StructuresBest Researcher Award
ProfAlaaABdelrahmanzagazig university - Faculty of engineeringEgyptComposite Materials ScienceComputational nano/macromechanics of composite structuresBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrMiaomiaoYeZhejiang UniversityChinaComposite Materials ScienceThermal distillation seawater desalinationBest Researcher Award
DrLiyingTangZhongshan Hospital of Xiamen UniversityChinaFRP in Health & MedicineOphthalmologyBest Researcher Award
Dr学红郑州轻工业大学ChinaComposite Materials Sciencephase change materialOutstanding Scientist Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
Award Winners