Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
DrMuthukumarSVel Tech Multi Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering CollegeIndiaFiber Reinforcement in Compositesnatural fibre reinformentsFRP Industry Collaboration Award
MrKarthickRasuVelammal College of Engineering and TechnologyIndiaNatural FibersMechanical, Wear and Machining PropertiesBest Researcher Award
DrMrutyunjayPanigrahiVellore Institute of TechnologyIndiaComposite Materials ScienceMetallurgical and Materials EngineeringBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrأحمدIbrahimVeterinary Teaching Hospital - Faculty of veterinary Medicine - Assiut University - Assiut - EgyptEgyptSynthetic Fiberscomposite materialsBest Researcher Award
ProfK VenkataRaoVignan's Foundation for Science, Technology and ResearchIndiaOthersVibration based Tool condition Monitoring and Additive ManufacturingOutstanding Scientist Award
MrAbasaliMasoumiVirginia Polytechnic Institute and state UniversityUnited StatesComposite Materials ScienceWood Based Composites, Mass TimberBest Researcher Award
MrMangeshBidveVishweshwarayya Abhiyantriki Padvika Mahavidyalaya, AlmalaIndiaComposite Materials ScienceComposite Leaf SpringBest Researcher Award
MsAdlaPadmaVIT VelloreIndiaComputational Modeling and Simulation of FRPsBlockchain, SecurityBest Scholar Award
Assist. Prof. DrRuiWenWenzhou Medical UniversityChinaNatural Fibersspider silk fiberBest Researcher Award
MrTalbachew TadesseNadewWollo UniversityEthiopiaComputational Modeling and Simulation of FRPsChemical and Food processingYoung Scientist Award
MrAbduMohammed SeidWollo UniversityEthiopiaComposite Materials ScienceMechanical EngineeringBest Researcher Award
DrLipingWuWoosuk UniversityChinaComputational Modeling and Simulation of FRPsDynamics and controlBest Researcher Award
MrNaveedImranWuhan UniversityChinaFRP Sensors and Smart StructuresHuman Behavior/EmotionYoung Scientist Award
ProfHuiWangWuhan University of TechnologyChinaManufacturing Processes for FRPsadhesive bonding of compositesBest Researcher Award
DrYuchenGuoXI'AN AERONAUTICAL INSTITUTEChinaComposite Materials SciencePavement materialBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrYunqiZhangXi’an University of Posts & TelecommunicationsChinaDesign and Analysis of FRP ComponentsArray Antenna/Smart Super SurfaceBest Researcher Award
DrWenjieLiXinhua College of Sun Yat-sen UniversityChinaFRP in Health & Medicinehealth communicationBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrİdrisKaragözYalova UniversityTurkeyFiber Reinforcement in CompositesPolymer CompositesBest Researcher Award
ProfAppasahebToraneYashwantrao Chavan Institute of Science SataraIndiaComposite Materials ScienceElectrochemistry, solar cell, gas sensingBest Researcher Award
ProfMohammadFatehi MarjiYazd UniversityIranFailure Analysis and Damage MechanicsPetroleum Geomechanics, Wellbore StabilityExcellence in Research
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
Award Winners