Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
MrAmirtharajJAnna universityIndiaComposite Materials ScienceCivil engineeringBest Researcher Award
DrRAJAKUMARSAnna University, Regional Campus TirunelveliIndiaFiber Reinforcement in CompositesWind Turbine blade material and manufacturingBest Researcher Award
MrRajaNAnnamalai UniversityIndiaFiber Reinforcement in CompositesNatural FiberBest Scholar Award
Assist Prof DrSumanAnurag University, HyderabadIndiaOthersMaterials Synthesis and Molecular Modelling for Solar Cell ApplicationsBest Researcher Award
DrAhmedHassanARAB ACADEMY FOR SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & MARITIME TRANSPORT ALEXANDRIA, EGYPTEgyptFiber Reinforcement in CompositesFiberreinforced PolymerBest Researcher Award
Prof DrShehata EAbdel RaheemAssiut UniversityEgyptStructural Mechanics of FRPsFiberreinforced PolymerBest Researcher Award
DrYahdi BinRusational Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)IndonesiaComposite Materials Scienceenergy storage materialsBest Researcher Award
MrAdewaleJamesAugustine University Ilara Epe, LagosNigeriaNatural FiberstoxicologyBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrHarsh PrakashSharmaBabasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (A Central University), Lucknow, UP)IndiaNatural FibersFood ProcessingBest Researcher Award
DrAbbasZolfaghariBabol Noshirvani University of TechnologyIranManufacturing Processes for FRPsAdditive manufacturingBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrAlirezaMirza Goltabar Roshan Faculty oBabol Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, IranIranStructural Mechanics of FRPsModeling analysis, Experiments, Simulations and computational modelingBest Researcher Award
MrParthPatpatiyaBanasthali VidyapithIndiaAdvanced Manufacturing Technologies for FRPsPolyjet Additive Manufacturing of structuresExcellence in Research
DrMehmet AkifKARTALBandirma Onyedi Eylül UniversityTurkeyOthersComputational Modeling, Analysing and Simulation of Shell-and-Tube Heat ExchangerBest Researcher Award
MrAhsanHabibBangladesh University of textilesBangladeshSustainability and Recycling of FRPsPolymer recyclingBest Researcher Award
MrKumaresanKBannari amman Institute of technologyIndiaNatural FibersFiber extraction and TestingBest Researcher Award
DrUğurKemiklioğluBaşkent UniversityTurkeyStructural Mechanics of FRPsExperimental methods, mechanical behaviour of compositesBest Researcher Award
DrMohammad Nazrul IslamBhuiyanBCSIRBangladeshSustainability and Recycling of FRPsChemistryBest Researcher Award
DrJiayongWeiBeihang UniversityChinaManufacturing Processes for FRPsAdvanced manufacturing technology and equipmentBest Researcher Award
Profhaiyanqianbeijing anzhen hospitalChinaFRP in Health & MedicineThe field of medical and industrial integrationBest Researcher Award
DrYangleiXuBeijing Forestry UniversityChinaFiber Reinforcement in Compositescellulose fiberBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
Award Winners